Cleaning The Iron Soleplate

If you feel even a slight resistance while you’re ironing, then it’s time to clean the iron. There are two parts that need to be cleaned – the sole plate, which is the one on the bottom, and the reservoir, where the water is stored.

You will need some salt, a soft cloth, some white vinegar, some baking soda, some distilled or purified water, and some oven cleaner.

1. Cleaning the soleplate: Turn off the iron and until it’s completely cool, don’t start anything. Then, dampen a cloth in water, sprinkle a good amount of salt on it, and start scrubbing the plate. You can also use a nylon mesh pad and some soapy water. If there are any tough stains, squeeze some toothpaste on a soft cloth. For starch build-up, use a dampened cloth with white vinegar or a mixture of one part white vinegar and one part salt (heat until the salt dissolves). Another method is making a paste of some baking soda and some water, and cleaning the soleplate with it.

Don’t use a metal scouring pad or anything that can scratch the soleplate surface.

If the iron isn’t one with a non-stick surface, try heating the iron to its hottest, non-steam setting and sprinkle some salt on a brown paper bag, then run it over with the iron.

2. Cleaning the reservoir: Fill it ¼ full of white vinegar and then steam it until it’s empty. The vinegar fumes are very strong, so don’t forget to crack open a window. Fill the reservoir with water next and repeat the same as with the vinegar, and repeat until there are no more mineral deposits to be seen. When that’s over, rinse it with some distilled or purified water. If while using the vinegar a brown ooze starts to from, stop and use only water.

It’s a good idea to always use distilled or purified water in the reservoir when steaming clothes – it will prevent mineral build-up.

If you decide you only want to use regular water, just remember to pour out the still-hot water after every use.

3. Removing burn marks: Turn of the iron and leave it until it cools off completely. Cover the whole iron with paper, leaving only the soleplate open. Take it outdoors and spray some oven cleaner on the soleplate directly. Leave it for 3-5 minutes and then rinse the soleplate by wiping with a cloth dampened in cool water.