How To Spring Clean Your Yard?

Once the snows of winter start melting, you know that spring can’t be far off. As a part of the annual spring cleaning, you decide to take care of your yard before the green has sprouted. It’s probably in an awful condition, and you feel overwhelmed. There are some suggestions as to how to take care of it:

So, how to spring clean your yard? Just follow the following steps:

1. Using a rake and lawn bags, clean up tree limbs, leaves, trash and everything else that’s not supposed to be there.

2. Get your pruning shears and cut the overgrown shrubs and bushes. They have most probably grown in all directions, and that doesn’t look very good, does it?

3. The winter cold has probably killed of some areas of your garden, so reseed your grass to prevent many muddy puddles appearing once the rain begins.

4. If the yard is dry, water it. Start the water sprinkles in the dry areas – that’ just what plants need to start their spring growth.

5. If you had a warm winter, there may already be grown grass. If it’s necessary, cut it – that will not only make it look better, but also help it’s growth.