How to Take Care of Carpets Using a Household Supply

It is only natural that every good housekeeper wants to do his or her job in the best way and yet spend as less money as possible on cleaning tools and products (which includes cleaning carpets since they take a big part of every room and in this sense a clean carpet can make the whole room look cosier and neat).
Do not spend your  time and money for carpet cleaning products that are available at the local store. You can make this less harder and cheaper with products from your house.
The most important things you need to find are some old left spray bottles,brushes and sponges.
Here is the list of steps you will follow which includes the rest supplies that will come into use.

First of all, you have to make a mixture of one quarter c. mild liquid dish detergent (containing no bleach or alkaline) and one gallon warm water.
Then, choose an area  of the carpet surface that is hidden maybe on the backside of it, and try the mixture for carpet discoloration.
Next, spray a little of the mixture on the carpet in small areas, or soak the sponge in it, and wring carefully so that the sponge is not overwetting the carpet.
Use a medium-bristle brush in order to scrub the liquid mixture deeper into the carpet fibers.

After that, soak a clean sponge into clean water, wring carefully and repeat on the same spot on the surface in order to remove remained solution.
Repeat this step till there are no soapy bubbles coming off onto sponge.
Do the exact same steps onto the next spot until you have gone through the entire carpet surface.
Blot the carpet dry with a clean towel.
For stains that won’t remove from the first time, use a toothbrush for scrubbing.
And at the end when the carpet is no longer wet, get a stiff bristled brush to fluff the carpet.

With this list of ten useful, effective and easy steps you can take care of almost all types of carpets in your home with a cheap home-made solution.
Good luck.