Removing Odours Emitted From Rotten Food

If there’s an odour source in your home that you haven’t removed for a long time, then the odour will linger on even after you throw it away. This is the case especially if the source was something in the refrigerator or the freezer. Here are some methods for removing such odours.

You will need some vinegar, a few cans of coffee grounds, some activated charcoal, a few bowls, an air neutralizer, some baking soda, some laundry detergent, a washing machine, a vacuum cleaner, and some cat litter.
1. Getting rid of odours can be very difficult if you’re not sure what the source is exactly, or where the odour is clinging to.
2. Naturally, first you’ll have to take care of the freezer, where the smell comes from.
3. If the item which emits the odour is still there, turn the freezer back on and freeze it again. This will remove some of the smell and it won’t be as bad when you have to remove it.
4. When they’re frozen, throw away the rotten items at once. Take out the trash from all the trash cans in the house.
5. When you’ve removed the rotten items, it’s time to take care of the freezer or refrigerator.
6. First, mix water and bleach.
7. Clean the entire inside with the mix and a clean cloth.
8. Rinse with a cloth dampened in clean water.
9. Wipe all the surfaces with undiluted vinegar.
10. Let them air dry.
11. Fill a few bowls with baking soda, vinegar or fresh coffee grounds.
12. Put the bowls in the fridge or the freezer and close the door.
13. The baking soda/ coffee grounds/ vinegar in the bowls will absorb the odour for a week. If the smell still isn’t gone, refill them again.

To remove the odours from the house:
1. When you’ve cleaned the freezer or refrigerator, you can fight the odour that has been absorbed in other areas of the home.
2. Take off the curtains and the drapes and wash them or take them to get dry cleaned.
3. Sprinkle a good amount of baking soda on the carpets.
4. Let it sit overnight.
5. Remove on the next day by vacuuming.
6. If there’s still some odour in the carpets, repeat.
7. If that doesn’t help, try using a steam cleaner with vinegar on the carpets. The smell of vinegar will remain for a few days, but will be gone after that.
8. Clean the upholstery with an odour neutralizer.
9. Let it dry.
10. When all the fabrics and carpets have been deodorized, fill bowls with cat litter, vinegar, coffee grounds or activated charcoal and place a few in each room.
11. Open all the windows.
12. This all should remove the odour. If it doesn’t, then there’s another source of smell, which you haven’t removed. When you do, these steps should help you quicken the otherwise natural odour dissipation.