After Birthday Cleaning (Step by Step)

After Birthday Cleaning

Preparing your home for a birthday party is a long, though exciting process. However, cleaning after the party might be a real trouble as the excitement might have worn out. It is always very difficult to return the harmony to your home after a celebration that is why we need to be really organized and patient.  Here are a few steps that might help you get through this experience in a less stressful way so that your home becomes the cozy place you know and are used to.

1. Throw away all of the rubbish – gather all of the boxes, envelops, present bags, ribbons and all the decorations, sort and store them in piles, then go through all of them and decide what you want to keep. For example, you may want to use some of the boxes for storage or use the bags and envelops for future occasions. Once you are ready with that, you can throw away everything else.

2. Arrange your new presents – after every birthday you are left with a lot of new things which have to be stored and put away. It is recommended that you sort them as well. Then you can go on to wash the new clothes or arrange the new books in the bookcase. You can also find a place for every little souvenir such as a candle or a vase, or you can simply keep them stored in boxes or cupboards.

3. Throw away everything you do not need anymore – having received a lot of presents, you can now replace some of your old belongings with new ones. For instance, you can clear your wardrobe and make some space for your brand new clothes. The shirts, trousers and skirts you will no longer wear might be sent for charity.

4. Clean the kitchen – this is the place that probably made the event possible as the delicious food everyone indulged in was cooked there. However, the aftermath of the celebration is sure to be quite visible there. I would recommend that you start with getting rid of the products you will not use again. After that you can gather what is left from the ingredients needed for cooking the dishes for the party and try to use them before they have expired. Clear out the fridge as well and throw away what is no longer edible. Once you are done with the sorting, you can proceed to wash the dishes. There is no doubt it is one of the most unpleasant things you have to do after a party but remember that it was worth it.

Having cleaned your home after the big party, you can now enjoy the presents you were given – you can lay the new tablecloth or put on the blouse you got. Next year you can do that again.