Cleaning In The Sky

My brother and I came up the roof, where we had to get inside the metal cage, while two of our colleagues were watching for our safety. My brother tried to joke with them that we must have privileges, because we cleaned less windows than them and now we are going to be hidden in the shadow of the building and they would have to make sunbathe under the bright sun on the roof.

It was funny, but I knew my brother is worried.

When we got into the cage he was tensed and it was hard for him to do his job calmly. I on the other hand was feeling great. My vestibular system seemed to be fine and I wasn’t afraid of the fact we hang outside the 16th floor. I knew that our cage is good attached to the roof. I even found that cleaning the outer side of building’s windows is my favourite part of my job. Hanging in the air made me feel free and the wind cooled this warm day.

I was cleaning and polishing the windows with fast and accurate moves. It seemed that when I had adrenaline in my blood it helped me in cleaning. And the fact that I was doing my job quick helped my brother to forget about his fear for some time. He had to be quick not to retard our work. We cleaned these windows all day long. My brother did not let his fear stop him.

When we finally finished all the building was shining. We waited for our colleagues to get down from the roof and we gathered all the cleaning devices and saddled them in the van. Then one of our colleagues Steve gave me a card. I asked him what is this, and told me that a beautiful lady from one of the offices gave it to him to forward it to me. He knew nothing more. I looked at the card. There was a name, a position “manager” and a telephone. Well, I was not wrong about the ladies in offices, I taught smiling and I put the card in my pocket.

While my brother and I were on our way home, I joked that I wander why he became a cleaner, when he could be a gardener for instance. Then he would never have to climb up the buildings. He just smiled.