Dusting Tips And Interesting Facts About Dust

Dust in residential and commercial premises contains various sources of tiny particles such as human and animal hairs, human skin cells, outdoor soil dust, dirt and debris, different fibres and other materials.

Dusting At HomeDusting is an inevitable part of domestic cleaning procedures that should be done as frequently as possible in order to avoid any unwanted allergic reactions. Living in a big, vibrant city such as London entails daily accumulation of dust particles of various nature. No matter how often you dust your living area, dust particles seem to multiply with remarkable speed. Millions of tiny dust particles adhere to every nook and cranny of your home and they might be the reason for various skin irritations and allergies.

There is not a single place in your home where it is impossible for the dust to settle – your carpets and rugs, draperies and curtains, covers and mattresses are the perfect breeding ground for domestic dust. A most favourable place for building up of dust and consequently of various germs are carpets and area rugs, which should be thoroughly cleaned at least twice annually.

To fight dust accumulation in your home you should air the rooms regularly, run the vacuum cleaner daily and dust all shelves and units as frequently as possible.

Prevention is the best method for reducing to minimum speedy dust accumulation. Using entrance mats is a great idea to reduce dust accumulation at your home. Regular changing of air filters improves the air quality of your living area. Micro fibre clothes are the perfect tool when it comes to dusting since they have the ability to entrap even the smallest particles. Make sure that the cleaning tools you use are clean – thus you will not only move dust from one place to another.  Regular brushing of your pets also contributes to reducing dust build-up. To avoid double dusting of the same area you should dust it from top to bottom. Dust control might also be successful if you reduce the clutter and all unused items to minimum. We cannot eliminate dust forever by any means; we may just prevent the rapid build-up of dust particles, and thus make our homes cleaner, more comfortable and healthier.

An interesting fact about domestic dust is that in a residential area of six rooms, located in a temperate climate zone, about 15 kg of dust are accumulated annually. One cubic centimetre of air contains between 50 000 and 100 000 dust particles. Seven percent of natural dust is due to volcano eruptions. Most of the domestic dust presents dead human skin cells.