How To Clean Blood Stains From The Carpet

Blood stains are a bugger to remove from a carpet, because the haemoglobin in it binds easily with the carpet material.

It is easier to remove when it hasn’t dried yet. When they do, it becomes almost impossible to remove them. Also, remember not to rub, but blot, because rubbing will only work the stain in the fabric. Follow the steps bellow, according to your carpet type, to remove blood from it.

For this you will need a cleaning solution. For a woollen carpet, you’ll need a mix of 1 teaspoon mild, non-alkali detergent and a cup of cold water; for a synthetic carpet you’ll need a mix of 2 tablespoons of household ammonia and a cup of cold water; for an oriental carpet you’ll need a mix of one part white vinegar and two parts cold water; some clean white towels; a spray bottle; a rinsing solution made of 2-6 drops of mild, non-alkali dish detergent and a cup of cold water; and a water bottle.

1. Take a clean cloth and try to remove as much of the blood as you can by blotting. Don’t forget NOT to rub, as it will make the blood even harder to remove.
2. Spray the stain area with water.
3. Blot the stain again.
4. Before you use the cleaning solution, try it on a hidden area if it will react well with the carpet; it might discolour and ruin it.
5. Spray it lightly on the stain area.
6. With a clean, dry cloth, try blotting the stain until no blood appears on the cloth. Change it if necessary. It will also prevent spreading the stain.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 as many times as necessary.
8. Spray the area with the rinsing solution.
9. Remove by blotting with a clean cloth.
10. Spray again, with clean water this time.
11. Blot once again, until all of the cleaning solution is gone.
12. Cover the area with a cloth or a paper sheet, and put some weights on it.
13. Let is sit for several hours.
14. Remove it all and leave it to dry.
15. When it’s completely dry, clean with the vacuum to remove any leftover residue.
16. If, after it dries, the area turns brown, mix vinegar and water 1:2 and blot the spot with it. You can’t repeat this more than once.

Don’t use warm water; it will make the cleaning process more difficult.

Using ammonia or bleach on wool will damage its fibres.

Spot cleaner will damage the fibres of oriental rugs.