How To Clean The Sink


One of the toughest places to clean in the kitchen is by far the sink. It seems like no matter what you do, there are always spots around the faucet! Well, there are a few tricks for that situation.

After you have done that pour a cup of bleach in the hot water. Let it stay like this for at least an hour. This should sanitize the sink. Remember to do so as the sink is a perfect place for bacteria to grow if you do not clean it thoroughly often enough. When the time comes for you to take the stopper out, make sure you do that with a pinch – you don’t want to put your bare hands in the bleach water! Also, try to keep the liquid away from your clothes.

Rinse the sink good. Then use baking soda to scrub it. Take a sharp object, but not dangerously sharp, and use it to clean around the edges, just like you would clean under your finger nails. Don’t forget to clean around the faucet as well. You might need an old toothbrush or thread for that procedure.

When you are done with the scrubbing part, spray window cleaner and wipe the sink off until it’s shiny. If you are still not pleased with the way your sink looks you can try putting a little bit of car wax to make it sparkle even more.

To reduce the time you need to clean you sink and also keep it clean longer, make sure that every time you run the water you use a clean towel to dry the sink. That way those nasty spots will not appear at all.

If you do not have a dishwasher, clean under the sink and put a platter there. Instead of leaving the dirty dishes in the sink, put them on the platter. That way the dirtiness will stay away from the sink, preventing forming of stains and you will be able to actually use your sink before doing all the dishes.

Be careful when you use multiple cleaning products. Make sure you have rinsed the sink well after using a certain product before moving on to the next one. Some chemicals do not get along with others and you might end up damaging the surface of your sink, e.g. black stains or scratches.

To make it easier for you to remember all of the above you can put a memo right next to the sink so that you will see it every time you are doing something there.

Before you know it, you will be doing those things every time you are in the kitchen and you will say “Good bye” to the water drops and spots.