How To Organize Spring Cleaning

Spring is the time for getting rid of the winter dread and getting ready for the sunny summer. The infamous spring cleaning is a must-do every year when the snow melts. But such a major project can be pretty confusing, so it’s best to organize it beforehand. How to do that? Here are some suggestions:

1. Write a list, including every room in the house that needs to be cleaned.

2. Describe what you have to do in each room, for instance in the kitchen – clean the sink, wash the windows, clean the refrigerator and freezer, etc. This way you won’t forget anything.

3. Make a list of things that should be repaired or replaced, like a leaking sink or air conditioning filters.

4. Divide the responsibilities between the whole family. If your children are young, give them something simple to do, like gathering misplaced items.

5. Reserve a weekend for the spring cleaning, and make sure that no one else makes any plans for that time.

6. Write down all that you’ll need – cleaning detergents, number of clean rags, mops, machines, etc., so that you can remember to buy anything that you need and not start looking for something in the middle of your work.