Taking Care Of Your Furniture – Vol.2

Oak furniture should be cleaned up by rubbing with a wet leather cloth and then with a woollen or silk cloth until they are polished. Another well-tried method is to rub the oak furniture with cool beer and then polish it with a woollen or silk cloth. In this way you can also remove grease stains. 

Stains from water or some other liquid on oak furniture are cleaned with a mixture of oil and salt; it should remain on the stain for one or two hours; after its removal the stained spot should be rubbed with a wet towel and then polished with a dry cloth and finally with wax. Another way to clean liquid stains is cigarette ash. Mix it with some oil and then polish the surface with a dry woollen cloth. 

Polished furniture can be cleaned by rubbing with a soft cloth soaked in milk. After that, wipe them with a velvet or soft woollen cloth. Another way is to use Chinese tea. Strain the tea well and wrap it in a soft towel and rub the polished furniture with it. After that, wipe it with a clean dry towel. 

Cracks on wooden furniture can be concealed with wax. You should first hold it in your hands until it becomes softer and then put it inside the cracks. The unnecessary wax should be removed with the help of a wooden spoon or a knife. After that, the surface should be rubbed with a woollen cloth until it starts shining. If the furniture is black or brown you should add some paint while rubbing. 

If the drawers are difficult to close and open you need to rub them with talc or soap. 

In order to protect the upholstery of your furniture from dust and dirt you might need to put loose covers. But still you need to periodically clean the upholstery. You can do that with a mixture of turpentine and naphthalene. If there are grease stains on the upholstery they can be removed with a mixture of magnesium powder and benzene. Leave the mixture on the stain until it dries and then use a brush to remove it. If there are any traces from the stain repeat the procedure. 

Leather furniture can be cleaned up by rubbing with a woollen cloth soaked in benzene. After that, use a cloth soaked in beaten up white of an egg.