Tile Grout Cleaning Methods

There are many types of floor covering, but ceramic tile is the most popular type used in kitchens and bathrooms. It’s popular because it doesn’t absorb water and dirty like the other types, but it’s hard to clean, particularly the grout lines.


Grout lines are the most difficult part of cleaning ceramic tile. If you don’t take proper care of it, the grout will start to crumble and that is certainly bad news for the flooring. The best way to prevent that is to seal the lines when the ceramic tiles are installed. You can buy do-it-yourself product kits from most home improvement retailers. They make the job really easy to complete. Some of the do-it-yourself kits include a brush, while others do not, and you have to buy one yourself. Be certain to read the directions on the label, as different grout sealers require different time to dry.


Dirty grout is ugly to look at, and can also damage your flooring beyond repair. Grime and dirt that settle between tiles can easily break the grout down and make it crack. Once that’s happened, the tiles are at risk of cracking themselves.


There are many ways of cleaning the grout lines. The method of cleaning can discern according to whether the grout has been sealed or not. There are different commercial cleaners on sale, which are designed to clean grout, but most of them are harmful due to the fact that they contain chemicals and bleaches. Those chemicals can not only change the colour of unsealed grout lines, but can also pose a threat to children and pets. There are other, more natural solutions, like the homemade grout cleaner made from vinegar, baking soda, ammonia and water. A different method that works successfully is the steam cleaner.


Avoid using any types of cleaner on fresh grout and/or sealer. That could cause even more susceptibility to dirt and crumbling. Ask your floor installer or check on the label of the do-it-yourself grout sealing kit that you have used to know how long you need to wait before you can clean the floor.

Expert Insight

Check the grout lines in your bathroom regularly, especially those in the shower. The grout in the bathroom is exposed to lots of water and humidity and that can cause long term problems, especially if you haven’t sealed the lines. That kind of place is the perfect habitat for mould and mildew. Spray shower cleaner on the tiles after each time you bathe so you can prevent such growth.