How To Spring Clean With A Checklist

You probably know that the annual spring clean can be a tiring and confusing, but necessary job. Creating a work checklist and following it will make it all simpler and easier. But how to make one? Here are some suggestions:

1. Start from the inside. Open up the windows, as you’ll be dusting. Move from room to room with a duster in your hand and attack every surface and corner you can find.

2. Don’t forget the ceiling fans. Dust and wipe them, because if you turn the on while dirty, they’ll spread dust everywhere.

3. Take care of the windows. Wash the curtains, dust the blinds, and wash the glass and the window sills.

4. Move onto your closet. Put away the winter clothes and hang instead your summer clothes. Be sure to check for any items that don’t fit anymore – if you find any, donate them.

5. If the temperatures are warming up, turn off you heater and turn on the air conditioner. Change the filters beforehand, of course.

6. Finally, get a box and go around the house, collecting items that don’t belong where you found them. Return them to their places, and if there’s any junk, throw it out.