Autumn Cleaning – Part 1

Autumn is here. It is raining outside and the ground is scattered with leaves of various colours and sizes. Saturday morning. I don’t have any special plans for today. It would be one lazy weekend. I put the pumpkin into the oven and start to think what I can do while waiting for the sweet dessert to get done. I am thinking on different things- maybe watching some movie or reading a good book. However, I am not into the mood for either of these. So I decide to start with the autumn cleaning. It is something you should do before the weather becomes so awful that you cannot hand out the clothes outside.

I always start with the summer clothes first and this year I will not make an exception. Everything should be washed, dried, folded and put into separate bags. Of course I lose a lot of time doing this because I try on every piece of clothing that I have in order to see if it fits. For my surprise this year everything is perfect and at the end of the first day of the autumn cleaning my summer dresses and skirts are washed and put at the lower drawer of the wardrobe. I feel somehow strange- as if with the clothes I have put away and my good cheerful mood. Yes, this is what I call autumn depression. I have to get used to the long clothes with dark colours, rough leather jackets, and of course the muddy weather, the wind and everything else. However, I immediately remember that with the wind comes along my favourite accessory- the shawl. I get distracted by the thought that I should take out my shawls and see how I could match them with my clothes.

In the meantime, I have completely forgotten about the pumpkin in the oven and my autumn cleaning. However, I could smell the aroma coming from the kitchen and I hurry up in its direction fearing that I could have burnt the dessert. Fortunately, that is not the case. I take out the pumpkin and it is perfectly done with just a little crust and smells so delicious. I get a slice and make myself a cup of coffee when I am once again reminded that I have work to do- sort out my shawls and what is more important to continue with my autumn cleaning. I have sorted out and put away the clothes. I should arrange the autumn and winter clothes in the wardrobe. I have to wash the carpets, to dust and polish the furniture. I have to take the plants inside the apartment and so much more.

But first of all, let me finish with my pumpkin and my coffee…