How To Deodorize A Room

It often happens that your room acquires a strange smell. And you probably can’t find the source no matter how hard you try. Even if you clean regularly, there are still chances the room or whole house might smell. Unfortunately, some odours get all over the place. Although items which are clean in theory shouldn’t smell, this might not be the case in reality. This is why they need some serious cleaning and maybe chemicals. It’s quite important to follow the right methods in order to effectively remove any unpleasant smells. With a little effort any odour will disappear in a few days. Here are some various ways to do this so that your troubles come to an end.

Firstly, what you should do is open the windows. Unless you’re convinced the smell is coming from outside, of course. Letting in fresh air and sunlight is the first step. Who knows, maybe that’s all your house needs. If nothing else, fresh air will at least make the rest of the cleaning more bearable. Because nothing is better in getting rid of odours than fresh air. However, if for some reason you can’t take advantage of the windows, try to ventilate the room in another way. For example, use a fan, instead.

The next step is to track the source of the dreadful stench. There is no use in removing an odour if the cause is still present. This way it will most probably reappear constantly. So do whatever is necessary to stop any smells from being created again and again. You could start from the air vents and wall outlets to check for dead mice in there which smell up the whole room. You’ll be surprised what you can find there. It’s also a good idea to look for any holes in the wall. Most likely the mouse used it to get inside the wall. When you find such wholes, you have to seal them right away.

You should also consider vacuuming the room. Be sure to vacuum not only the carpets, but also all of the upholstery and curtains. You could spray some carpet deodorizer and leave it for a while to absorb (baking soda is also an option).Afterwards, vacuum the place thoroughly. Keep in mind that deodorizers have their own scent so pick one you actually like.

A very efficient way to remove odours is to shampoo the carpet. You could do it by yourself or if you don’t want to take any risks, call professional help. By cleaning the carpet you will definitely remove any kind of smells and freshen up the whole room as well.