How to Clean The Iron


Almost every housewife has seen stains on their iron. In most cases, these are deposits that cover the plate of the iron. These are caused by the very process of ironing and are nothing more than mill-cakes from the clothes. The process of their formation is a continuous one so they do not appear after one or two ironings. With time, however, the deposits grow and every housewife has to face the question of how to clean them exactly. There certainly are quite a lot of products for that type of cleaning which you can easily purchase in the supermarket. I, however, would like to introduce to you those methods to clean the iron which are easy and practical and can be easily performed in your everyday life.

Some people use baking soda. It is probably the best solution for cleaning. Baking soda can get rid of pretty much any type of deposits. You need to put some of it on an old newspaper and scrub the surface of the iron, with the iron being turned off, of course.

The limestone can be removed using acid like vinegar for instance. But if you pour it in the iron’s tank, the limestone will dissolve and occlude the tubes. This could damage your iron. That’s why you should use only distilled water for your iron.

Another method is using dishwashing liquid to clean your iron. Soak a cotton rag into a lot of dishwashing liquid and put the iron on it for at least twelve hours. This is usually effective against the deposit. Do not forget to iron a worthless piece of clothing first to make sure there is no leftover dishwashing liquid, before ironing your clothes.

Vinegar is one of the best weapons against deposits. Heat up the iron first and then go over a rag, soaked in vinegar. That will make the iron shiny again without having to go through the supermarket looking for the specific cleaning products.

It is very important that you take care of your iron. It is as important as your washing machine for your clothes. If you let it get too much of deposits or stains on the ironing surface you might put your clothes at risk. Imagine you have to iron a white shirt for a business meeting and you are almost running late. Well, you would not want to burn it or stain it with your crappy iron, do you? Although you cannot prevent the eventual staining of getting deposits on the surface, you can try to postpone it as much as possible by taking good care of it. Always use distilled water for your iron to make it last longer and serve you better.